October 18, 2024


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Why Should your BREEAM Assessment include a Security Needs Assessment?

BREEAM Assessment

BREEAM is a renowned assessment approach for master planning buildings.  If security needs assessment (SNA) is completed and recommendations from the report are implemented, BREEAM grants a point towards development rating. In BREEAM Hea 06 security needs assessment aims for effective measures which provide a suitable level of security to the building and to the site, to improve planning and implementation.

Also, Hea 06 security needs assessment (SNA) requires formal consultation with relevant stakeholders, recognition of any specific risks to its users, use and construction, and visual audit of its surroundings. In addition, with recognition of any negative effects which might have on existing society during the development process. Hea 06 security needs assessment (SNA) bears many fruits including reducing the risk of people and property in crime relating things, boosts awareness about security risks, along reducing fear of crime in occupiers of a building. This article might help you in understanding why your BREEAM assessment should include a security needs assessment.

What is BREEAM?

AGC Glass Building | The AGC Glass Building, a nearly zero-e… | Flickr

BREEAM also refers to Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. BREEAM is the world’s longest established method of assessing, rating, and certifying the sustainability of buildings, which was first published in 1990 by (BRE) the Building Research Establishment. Due to BREEAM increased authenticity and popularity, it is used in over 77 countries across the globe. In addition, millions of people have registered for BREEAM certificates worldwide.

BREEAM is used to guide developers to masterplan infrastructure within the built environment on the basis of its sustainability assessment method. BREEAM has revolutionised the development process, design, construction, and security needs with the passage of time. The operational phases through which a project goes in its lifecycle through BREEAM are truly remarkable. BREEAM effective implementation process in various projects might help you in:

  1. Reducing mental unease as dwellers don’t have to worry about any sort of crime in the building and its site.
  2. One could create well-maintained infrastructures which are more sensitive to its environment. 
  3. Encourages well-being in its use, user and the of the building.
  4. Promotes more morally fitted property investments. 
  5. You would have more environmentally friendly buildings.
  6. Buildings with appealing and well-sustained infrastructure. 

Pros of a BREEAM Assessment

There are several competitive advantages of the BREEAM assessment which are discussed below.

  • As compared to an office building that only complies with the mandatory regulations in force, the BREEAM assessment reduced energy consumption by 30% to 40%.
  • The mechanisms of BREEAM assessment boost society’s perception of a company, as it comes with great social responsibility and effective results could be seen in the construction, design, and structure itself. 
  • It increases productivity and decreases employee absences with an environmentally friendly result. 

Why should your BREEAM Assessment Include a Security Needs Assessment?

An effective BREEAM assessment should always include a security needs assessment with it. A security needs assessment (SNA) would help you in getting the BREEAM point. A security need assessment simply increases the sustainability of a building and its site. Similarly, you could get an assessment with security assessment needs through a professional security consultant, take a bespoke approach, follow security by design in Hea 06, or use a police DOCO as SQSS. Moreover, depending upon the alignment of the SQSS’s recommendations with the project’s architect and budget is an ease with which a Security Needs Assessment actually contributes BREEAM points though ultimately depends upon the alignment. It would be fair to say that a relationship between BREEAM assessment and security needs assessment (SNA) is quite effective and operational in its nature. 

The BREEAM with a security need might help in solving many problems. As for construction, the security of people, buildings and sites is of vital significance. Without security needs assessment (SNA) the project might cause stress of crimes or any other security thread among dwellers.  

The security needs assessment (SNA) ensures the well-being of builders, architects, buildings and people around the site. Security needs assessment (SNA) allows the evaluation and identification of the security which aids in decision making. SNA features relevant to the security of the proposed development by a visual audit of the site and surrounding, identifying environmental cues of it.

Further to obtain a summary of crime and disorder issues in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development the formal consultations with relevant stakeholders, including Counter Terrorism Security Advisers (CTSAs), Crime Prevention Design Advisor (CPDA), and local Architectural Liaison Officer (ALO). Hence, Security needs assessment helps in bringing a highly secured site and the property for its use, users, and the infrastructure. Any detrimental issue or crime immediately comes under fully supervised security.  

Final Thoughts

BREEAM is the leading assessment method for master planning in infrastructures and buildings. The BREEAM helps in overcoming many challenges faced by the builders, architects, and dwellers. Consider security needs assessment with BREEAM assessment for effective results. 
