October 18, 2024


Bring Your Ideas To Life

Smart ways to improve your organic reach on Facebook

Every business is small or big is now using internet. And the best way to establish a client base online would be by using social media platforms effectively. There are various social media sites, but Facebook is most popular among all and almost everyone has a Facebook account. Having a Facebook Fan Page and getting Facebook likes should be a part of your strategy for marketing for startups.

Get a fan page 

A number of people spend several hours on Facebook and make a lot of updates and check updates from others too. So it’s easier to let people know about your company and your page just by spending some time updating your fan page and let them know what’s new or let them know you’re having a discount sale for a particular period or anything else. You get immediate feedback from your viewers and you can use their opinion when planning something new. So having a fan page gives you an opportunity to be spontaneous and respond to your users or get response from them.

Create a circle of promotion:

Create a circle of promotion so you have people who visit your fan page and then visit your online store. To increase the fans, spread the word about what is special about your page and what advantage will your fans get if they like your page.

Be Creative:

Use your creativity and make use of all promotional tools. Write articles regularly and with them have a link to your Facebook fan page. While you get started with this, you will eventually learn how to make the most out of your page. Thus by signing your page people will get at least some informative content. It makes your relationship with customers very special as the page can be used for making conversations with your business community and others.

Use these four steps to create an experience on Facebook

  1. What would be the nature of your experience? Will it be a fun experience or something that would provide entertainment or a valuable experience? So pick one area and then proceed.
  2. To get ideas that can give a unique experience keep in mind what your company does and what does it promote? What are the best features of the company? When you are thinking of ideas, try to plan something that can be done on a regular basis. Once you have a few ideas, think from the audience perspective to know if your efforts will be successful or not.
  3. Draft your plan: Once you finalize on an idea, then make a strategy and make a list of what you need to do and who should you involve making your idea successful. This plan will help you in your later events and also help you create a better experience each time.
  4. Be consistent: You need to be consistent about the plans you’ve made and dedicate enough time for such interactive activities to build a good relationship with the audience. Make sure you give whatever you have promised. Don’t cancel events and contests in last minute and disappoint your audience. You will only end up losing your fans.